Child physical abuse is Any intentional act causing injury or trauma to a child by way of bodily contact. It involves beating, kicking, punching, biting, spanking, […]
Yes, Parents / caregivers have the primary responsibility for building a protective and loving home but also Schools and communities are responsible for building a safe and child-friendly environment outside the child’s home.
Our commitment to children and Families is set around areas of well-being for every child which are derived from the global sustainability goals that are concerned with children, our approach follows our vision in emphasizing children’s’ right to feel safe and secure, especially the most underprivileged.
Despite the demonstrated efforts from the government authorities concerned with child safety, like legislative amendments on laws, child help line and increasing child protection services. The situation of children in Egypt is still aggravated.
According to a study by the national criminal research center, 856 ransom kidnapping cases has been recorded in 2012, to increase tremendously to reach around 2264 missing children during 2018 and 2019 as stated by the national helpline.